Friday 10 October 2008

Label: Teorema
Artist: Dejersey
Mas Que Humo EP (tr012)
Rating: 5.6/10

Interesting Ponteverda based techno label Teorema bring us their 12th release, a high energy four tracker from Dejersey. Its his first full release for the label after providing an good twist on
B.E.R.E.s "Yo Tenia Una Idea" for the labels 'VA-Remixes Compilation pt.1' (tr010).

The opener LEloois initially striking for two reasons. Firstly the main hook is a little too similar in feel to Heartthrob's major hit from a few summers ago Baby Kate, and secondly is how compressed the record is. Its pretty crushed, and could do with the lost dynamics back. Its similarity to the afformentioned tracks synthline, for this listener, detracted from the song considerably, and i couldn't really shake it off. Following that, Sigue Igual is more successful and a straight forward melody is surrounded by shakers and lots of atmosphere. The track is really club focused but it doesn't vary wildly over its 6 minutes and maybe doesn't maintain interest for long enough.

But its the 3rd track, Brilla, that saves this EP. A very short looped bell like melody drives the song supremely, snappy hats and snips of vocal samples push it on, before a really emotional synth takes over a break in the drums. Its euphoric, but not in a cheap sentimental way and really perfect for a late night set. The fourth track like the third, moves a little away from the more M_nus influenced sound of the first half. Its quite similar in composition to the other tracks, but has perhaps more going on, even the hats seem to play a part in the melodic content of the song.Its initially more laid back than the previous tracks but features a great moment around the 3 minute mark where it all just sort of comes together, and leads into a beautiful clear moment for the last third of the track that's got lots and lots of groove.

Overall all, the compression issue does effect the impact of this EP a lot. The quest for ever louder and louder tracks is a well documented problem and sometimes it can be a real curse as you feel that with productions like this, with short hypnotic riffs essentially the key to much of the tracks, that over emphasising loudness at the cost of dynamics is the wrong tack and stops you getting really involved in them. It also strays a little too near the spate of M_nus alike techno that seems to be everywhere over the last few years and has become a little tired to say the least.

However it would be small minded not to see the distinctive elements and positive points of this 4 tracker, namely, that the tracks here are of good quality, the programming is precise and often quite intricate and interesting rhythmically in the last two tracks especially, and most importantly, it should be well received on any dance floor.

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